Sunday, April 12, 2009

Diari hati saya...Hanya DIA yang tahu....

Bagaimana sakitnya bila hati dilukai?

1. Rasa macam pisau yang tajam ditusuk beratus-ratus kali at the same time, at the same speed...again and again
2. Macam getah sekerap yang ditarik dari cawannya...berkeriut bunyinya! Aduhai...
3. Macam kena lemaskan dalam laut dalam. U cannot breath...ur lungs full of water. U are choking....
4. Hati rasa kosong...sunyi sepi n u kept on thinking, how could he do this to u? Are all the words that he said full of lies and deceit?
5. There are thousand words....million words....that u want to scream outloud....n yet u choose to be quiet becoz nothing matters anymore... Nothing...

Tanpa dia...hidup tetap sempurna. Masih boleh bernafas kerana ALLAH lebih Berkuasa, lebih Mengetahui dan dengan ihsanNYA...saya tetap dirahmati.